Page 9 - E-Brochure of Kayakapi Spa (Hamam - Turkish Bath, Sauna, Massage Therapies and Fitness Center) | Kayakapi Premium Caves - Cappadocia | Premium Cave Hotel of Urgup / Cappadocia
P. 9
Kayakapi Spa
SWEDISH Swedish massage combines Benefits:
MASSAGE various hands-on techniques Swedish Massage calms the nervous
including gliding, kneading, and system and promotes a sense of
cross-fiber friction to break up relaxation and well being it also
muscle knots, called adhesions. reduces tension and anxiety.
Swedish massage is based on the
Western concepts of anatomy 60 Minutes at Kayakapi Spa :
and physiology as opposed to 100,00 EUR / Person / VAT Included
energy work. It can be slow and 60 Minutes at Your Room / Suite :
gentle, or vigorous and bracing, 150,00 EUR / Person / VAT Included
depending on what the therapist
wants to achieve.